The Limits Issue
Cover created by Elisabeth Oudman
After a hugely successful past year at Expanded Field, we have seized the opportunity to break through our previous self-issued limits and expand our output of works. In the future, and starting with this (aptly themed) issue, Limits, we hope to be producing two mini-issues in the fall and spring.
Look at our need
for privacy in defecation
our shyness in courtship
to know our place, and us in it
all too well
I am one of the low countries and, though predictions of cataclysms rise and fall, I'll probably always be one of the low countries.
My people are as statuesque as brioches. Even my monuments refuse to soar.
You don’t know when or why it started. People ask you about it sometimes when you mention that you have suffered from depression. You give them some bullshit answer about it being a delayed reaction to your parents’ divorce.
The queue is long
like a train serpentine,
crawling in silence
at the borders;
the faces, all vacant
Heaven is a prison.
Sergeant Peter is a monolith,
Of cruel bureaucracies and protocols.
Let us see what crimes you have committed –
Beauty in Brazil is a cracked mirror. Fragmented by a colonial past, and the decades of suffering that have accompanied it, and at the same time bound together, if only in the most fragile way, by the tenacity of its own resistance.
Reading Trollope’s Can You Forgive Her
For the second time,
After a two-year hiatus
I come across the word “podgy”:
Alice, the kidnapped girl, sits
beside the lake. Her toy boat
is bobbed in various directions
by the currents of fish. Tony,