Editor's Letter

Dear Reader,

Whether you are reading this from the living room, desk, or the beach, I hope you are in a space where you feel safe and relaxed. 2020 has certainly thrown us some curveballs thus far, and our new issue is rooted in our world's changing approach to how we form new connections. Whether the last six months have tested your patience, your relationships, or affected you in ways beyond that which others can imagine, I hope you can dive into this issue and remind yourself of the importance of forging and maintaining connections with those around you, even in the hardest times.

We have watched fire rage across Australia, seen a health pandemic sweep across the globe, and fought against systemic racism with friends and family, all in half a year. What 2020 has shown us is that, no matter how many Facebook friends you have, the real connections we forge in life are the ones that sustain us when it feels like nothing else is stable. Therefore, while you enjoy our newest issue, I hope you reach out to the friend you think of whilst reading Unknown Faces, or the family member that House of Memories inspires, just to remind them that you care, and value them in your life.

Putting an issue together in these times has been tough, as our team has spread out around the world, returning home to their families and countries, and each of us has faced new difficulties. Together, however, we have gathered a fresh collection of fiction, poems, and more, to share with you. I hope that you can find an escape from your daily life with Expanded Field and refresh your mind.

A huge thank you to our team who have come together, committed, and pulled through to produce what we hope you will enjoy reading as much as we have enjoyed creating.

Here’s to the future, and the connections still to come!

Acacia Caven

Acacia Caven

Editor-in-Chief of Expanded Field


Marriage in Drought


Tiny Short Stories